Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Project 2: The Reiksfang Penitentiary Racketeers

The Necromantic Racketeers are finished and are now my league team for the Victory Doughnut Cup 2013. I also took them to the NAF Championship 2013 in Nottingham, I had a great time but did awful.

Most of the miniatures from this team are from Willy Miniatures. The werewolves and golems painted themselves but the wights and zombie were difficult to get right.

On another note does anyone have any strategy tips for facing Norse when using bash light teams like Necromantic and Dark Elves especially in tournaments. Both teams do something similar with regards to frenzy and using the side lines to surf the opposing team. But the Norse come with a lot of extra block and frenzy with a sprinkling of might blow. The best I can seem to muster is a sprinkling of wrestle to try and negate the block.

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